
How to manage Inbox / Requested Bookings

Your TableSense system allows you to manage your areas and configure how bookings are accepted for each one.

Each area can have it's own weekly schedule of when bookings are accepted automatically, or are just requested, to be manually accepted or rejected by you.

Here you can learn how to manage these Booking Requests.

Navigate to your Inbox

  1. On the left menu, click on Inbox
  2. You will see a list of Requested Bookings over the preselected period
  3. Straight away you can see relevant information
  4. Date & Time of the booking Feb 4, at 3pm
  5. Area i.e. Beer Garden
  6. # of covers
  7. The list of icons shows what other relevant information is present i.e. phone, email, etc
  8. Click on a booking you want to review

  1. You will be presented with a window, which displays all relevant information to help you make a decision.  
  2. The system will also alert you if there are any other currently booked tables in the venue at the same time i.e "There are currently 2 other tables booked in the venue at the same time."
  3. One you have made a decision you can click "Accept" or "Reject"
  4. The customer will automatically receive a booking status email update to inform them of your decision